How Martwalk platform is different than others and setting up service partner for success?

Nowadays in on-demand services, people search for the service sitting at their home, explore, choose the service partner, then make online payment and schedule their time-slot given by the company in that time slot. Let's get the work done.

So in this process till now you have to be present for that time slot because you have paid for that service which unnecessarily becomes a headache for you.

But on Martwalk platform you do not need to make any kind of payment before consuming the service. You can get your work done as per your schedule and pay later.

Apart from this, Martwalk platform is a platform for all service providers and consumers, where service providers can also market their business because Martwalk never promotes your business and service with its logo. This platform is made only for consumer and service provider, where service provider can use it according to their own, which makes it different from other on-demand platforms.

The special thing about this platform is that it provides you the solution of about 290+ problems sitting at home and the service provider can promote their business and service at the world-level by taking a subscription of just Rs 1150.

Apart from this, when the consumer selects a service, instead of giving the details of one service provider, Martwalk also gives the details of 10 other service providers, which also helps you to get better service. And while exploring the service, if for some reason you are unable to connect to the service provider, then Martwalk platform also has the option of call back service to the consumer, where a call is made on behalf of the service provider from Martwalk's side and the slot of your service can be booked easily.

Service partner success with Martwalk:

Becoming a Martwalk Company Classic Partner:

When a professional joins Martwalk, they undergo extensive training to become Martwalk Company Classic Partner. These training sessions equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide exceptional services to our clients.

Promotion in Prime categories:

Once a partner has established himself as a classic partner and receives consistently positive ratings from clients, he has the opportunity to advance. Depending on their performance, partners may be promoted to prime categories. This advancement brings increased visibility, more customer bookings and higher income.

Changes in the role of Part-time Instructor:

For our top-rated service partners, there is an exciting opportunity to transition into a part-time instructor role. These individuals become mentors for new classic partners, sharing their expertise and guiding them on their path to success. This role not only recognizes their skills but also provides them with a better income source.

Full time Instructor Promotion:

As part-time instructors excel in their role, they may advance to become full-time instructors at Martwalk. This promotion is a testament to his dedication, knowledge and ability to inspire and train future generations of service partners. Full-time instructors play a vital role in shaping the skill sets of our growing community.

Upgrading Skills for Long Term Success

By investing in up skilling, we empower our service partners to earn more, develop new skills and be resilient to seasonal job fluctuations. Structured growth paths in the Beauty & Wellness category and AC Service & Repair category provide our partners with an opportunity to scale new heights in their businesses. By providing opportunities for promotion and diversification, we empower our partners to build sustainable careers.

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